DEB: Cornetto
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Cornetto is the Dutch project creating the lexical semantic database. It is based on semantic networks with a large amount of information – Dutch Wordnet and FrameNet. The combination of these two lexical resources will result in a much richer relational database that may improve natural language processing technologies. Cornetto is also mapped to a formal ontology. Thanks to these 3 sources, each focused on a different thing, this database has solid basis and wide coverage. In total, it contains 40,000 entries, including the most generic and central part of the language.


Cornetto's editor and browser was developed by Natural Language Processing Centre at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno. It is based on DEBVisDic platform. This platform was adjusted to project's specific need to be a binding for different data types and data sources (Dutch Wordnet, explanatory dictionary, newly added data). For example this makes possible that a word in synset is not just a static entry, but a clickable item, which references whole data set about this phrase from the explanatory dictionary. Data can be visualized in a form of semantic network.

The database is available here.
