DEB: Thesaurus for Land Surveying Domain
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Thesaurus for Land Surveying Domain

This is a very special thesaurus focused on a specific domain – land surveying. Except of the unusual specialization, the uniqueness of this dictionary is in a close connection with a new domain corpus. Thanks to that the thesaurus can be continuously updated. The corpus is built in 6 languages (Czech, English, French, German, Slovak, and Russian) and it is one of the main sources for the dictionary. Available functionality:

  • detection of domain specific terms and propose an extension of the thesaurus with new terms,
  • each entry put into context and described by term relations (synonymy or hyperonymy, and hyponymy),
  • propose terms used in similar contexts,
  • propose translations of terms.

The thesaurus is intended for professionals as well as for laics. It helps you to understand the searched term or find its accepted variants. You can browse the thesaurus by subcategories. Moreover, the official and unofficial variants of the terms are labeled. Thus, the users can choose whether they want to browse the dictionary seeing all the terms, or for example just official ones.

The NLP Centre MU, Brno in cooperation with Czech Office for Surveying and Cadastre participated in the project. The editor and browser of the dictionary is based on the DEB platform. Using the editor you can add new entries and edit existing ones. The thesaurus is not publicly available yet, but its publication is being prepared on the CUZK website.
