DEB: Praled
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Praled - Prague Lexical Database of Czech

The reason for creating this database was intention to collect vocabulary of Czech language of 21st Century. It contains words and phrases as well as idioms, abbreviations, symbols, and proper nouns. It was completed by researchers from the Institute of the Czech Language.

Each entry comes along with basic information like characteristic of the word classes and grammatical characteristic, etc. Each meaning for the entry is explained separately. It is not intended for this database to be used independently. Its main goal is to build basis for the new explanatory dictionary, so it can provide a complex description of the vocabulary of current Czech nguage.

This database is based on corporas, electronic dictionaries, word sketches, morphological analyzer, etc. It is a huge amount of data which can be useful especially in lexicography and for other scientific purposes.

The team at the NLP Centre MU, Brno participated in the computer data processing and data visualization. Unless the data will be fully used by the planned dictionary, the database will not be opened for public.

Demoversion for public is available here. If you would like to know which entries are listed in this demo, you can enter the special character to display them all (*)

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